How to Block and Filter What Your Kids Look At On The Internet-Free Web Filtering

November 21, 2008

If you have ever wanted to know how you can monitor and block what your kids are seeing and doing on the Internet than you should visit my website and read the article “How can I block what my kids are looking at on the Internet? ” Not only can you block predefined categories, but it will also protect every computer in you house from viruses and spyware. This software will also log every web page visited so that you can keep tabs on what types of sites your kids are visiting. You can read the full article as well as detailed instructions and screenshots at

Windows 7 Information and Screenshots

October 30, 2008

Just Released! Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 7 has just released information and screenshots about it and the newly added features. Take a look at Windows 7 Information and Screenshots

Technorati Profile

Computer Upkeep and Maintenance

October 24, 2008

A part of owning a computer is knowing how to keep it running like it did when you first brought it home, with just a hour a week you can keep your computer running like new, and even better.  The first and most important thing that you can have on your computer is a antivirus. Having a up to date antivirus is the first step to preventative maintenance. The next step is to run a anti spyware program that runs with your computer to keep your computer protected while you are browsing the web, which is the number one culprit of computers being infected, most of the time you don’t even know that your computer is being infected until it is too late. All that it takes is for you to go to a web site that appears to be legitimate but in actuality it is not and it installs malicious software on your computer. There are many different types of viruses, adware and spyware out there, lets start by discussing what exactly adware is and how if affects your computer.Adware is a small program that gets installed on your computer without your knowledge, once it is installed it generates pop up ads based on what you search for on the internet in hopes that you will click on a ad and ultimately purchase the product, which is benefiting the person who installed the adware on your machine in the first place. There are also many programs, in which are free that are bundled with adware, this is how they compensate for the cost associated with the free software.

Next lets discuss spyware, spyware is much more of a threat than adware is, spyware can take your personal information such as credit card numbers, bank account information, user names and passwords from your computer and send it to the attacker.  Spyware gets on your computer the same as adware.

Viruses are also a threat to your computer; there are many different types of viruses on the web as well. Some will erase your data from your computer, while some will propagate through your home on office network and infect other computers.

The best thing that you can do is to be proactive and keep your antivirus up to date and to perform preventative maintenance in your computer. If you would like to know where you can obtain a free anti virus or if your computer is already infected and you want to clean it up and stay on a schedule you can visit

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